In a recent series titled Cause and Effect, Brooklyn-based artist Meguru Yamaguchi used his signature style of streaked paint to create a series of artworks that include canvases, as well as iPhone 6 cases.
A symbiotic relationship
The canvases and iPhone cases came to life in a sort of symbiotic relationship. After layering several colors of paint on the wooden canvas, Yamaguchi swiped each clear phone case, which became covered in unique streaks and colors. He then set it aside to dry and picked up another one. As the iPhone cases emerged, so too did the face of his canvases, each giving birth to a new case but changing each time as well.
Once the cases were dry Yamaguchi sealed each with resin—the final touch to a durable, functional iPhone case that’s also a unique work of art.
A total of 20 cases were made, and they’re available exclusively in our shop.
(PS the parents are also available!)