On a semi-annual basis, Japanese paper company Takeo curates solo exhibitions by Japanese graphic designers, inviting them to experiment with the company’s paper and printing technologies. The results are often inspiring in ways that you didn’t think paper could inspire, and their latest exhibition was no exception. Their 15th “Aoyama Creators Stock” feautred graphic designer Masashi Murakami.
Held late last year, Masashi Murakami’s solo exhibition, titled “affects,” featured a dizzying array of posters that question our expectations of paper through shape, texture and format. The headlining, black and white poster appears to be disappearing into another dimension while a yellow and black poster appears to bend and distort as it covers a rectangular block. And yet another ripples as if a pebble were dropped into it.
“Data printed on paper is fixed on the page, existing unaffected by the environment, its form unchanged,” says the designer. “Printed material, which is normally unchanging, can be made to take on new appearances due to the effects of its environment.”
You can follow Masashi Murakami and his design firm emuni inc on Instagram.