One of the more interesting exhibits to come out of the Yokohama Triennial (I thought) was ienoie (house of house). Ienoie is a conceptual model for housing that attempts to redefine the shape of our homes, or more precisely, the roof above our head. Architect Hirata Akihisa conceived the idea from how rooftops resemble mountains when viewed from above. The shapes of mountains are a result of rain being channeled, whereas the shapes of roofs are intentionally designed to channel rain. Therefore, the basis for roofs is actually quite organic. But what would happen if roof design was taken a step further…
ienoie will be on display at the Yokohama Triennial through 11/30!
October 23, 2008 at 4:37 am
fun, thank you!
October 23, 2008 at 12:37 am
fun, thank you!