unless otherwise noted, all images courtesy @Kya7y | click to enlarge
Some people have hobbies. Other people are obsessive. But when the two cross paths, this is what you get. Japanese twitter user @Kya7y recently unearthed an incredibly detailed maze that her father created almost 30 years ago. When pressed for details, the father explained that he spent 7 years creating the map on A1 size paper, which is about 33 x 23 inches.
Unsure what to do with the discovery, @Kya7y reached out on twitter but was quickly inundated with requests to receive copies. I wonder how long it would take to finish the maze?
[Update] People have been asking @Kya7y about her father. Everyone seems to want to know more about the man behind this amazing maze. This morning she wrote, “Where does my father work? At a public university!! In the athletic department!!! As a janitor.”
[Update 2] The maze is currently available in our shop ($43). We also began carrying version 2.0 ($35).
April 10, 2013 at 8:42 am
Well, it seems theres a £19.27 customs charge and i will receive it tomorrow (as i’ve paid it and ordered it for tomorrow). Making this poster to the UK cost £63.50. Most expensive piece of paper i ever bought.
April 10, 2013 at 8:43 am
Thats $97.20 !!
April 10, 2013 at 8:44 pm
I am always amazed the custom charges in EU. I mailed an $100.00 moisturizing cream from US and shipped to my friend in France and they charged her 80 euro for custom and it was a gift.