Yesterday MoMA unveiled a their public art project, MoMAAtlantic/Pacific, replacing subway advertisements in Brooklyn’s Atlantic Avenue/Pacific Street subway station with over 50 pieces of reproductions from their permanent collection.
clockwise from top left: (images courtesy of Jeff Baxter)
Roy Lichtenstein. “The Melody Haunts My Reverie” (1965)
Robert Indiana. “LOVE” (1967)
Jackson Pollock. “One: Number 31, 1950” (1950) – I think…
The project reminds me a lot of one I read about in the Washington Post last year in which one of the world’s greatest violinists, Joshua Bell, dressed as a street performer, gave a performance in a D.C. subway station. You can read the full story HERE and watch a video clip but for a quick result, he made $32.17 over a 45-min time span. That’s actually not bad, however, seats for his concerts do go for over $100 a head.