fridgezooI need this. And I wish they made one for my iron, garage, curling iron, bath water, oven… to let me know when I’m wasting or forgetful. These kawaii (cute) monsters (polar bear disguised as a milk cartons!?!) are meant to live in your fridge. The light-activated Fridgezoo animals greet you when you open the door and scold you when you leave the door open too long (careful, they can become aggressive). Perfect if you are a serial browser like me,  have little kids that play with the fridge doors or just lonely and need some interaction with the fridge.

fridgezoo in the fridge

They were designed and manufactured by Solid Alliance, a Japanese maker of gadgets and other chotchkies.

You can get this at ThinkGeek for $15.99, or HERE if you’re in Japan.