Katsuhiro Ootomo’s renown as an manga creator was sealed when, at the age of 28, he released Akira, a tour de force that would eventually become an 8-year journey, culminating in over 2000 pages of artwork and an animated film adaptation. This legendary illustrator and film director will be having an exhibition at 3331 Arts Chiyoda in April. Mark your calendars now! On display will be genga (literally, original pictures) – Japanese animation terminology for the key frames in animation. I went to a Ghibli genga exhibition in 1996 and it had a huge impact on me. The depth and color of the illustrations were simply breathtaking.

If you’re still not convinced you should go, perhaps this recent quote from Takashi Murakami will change your mind:

Ootomo Katsuhiro…One of the reasons I gave up on trying to become a manga illustrator is because I knew I had no chance against him.

You can download this awesome wallpaper HERE! (thx for the tip @aka_me)

Katsuhiro Ootomo Genga Exhibition
3331 Arts Chiyoda
2012.4.9 – 5.30.
adults 1,500 yen