This week, the 201st volume of long-running police comedy manga “Kochi Kame” was released after a 5-year hiatus. To celebrate, a series of posters have been created which merge manga artist Osamu Akimoto’s illustrations with the actual street scenes of Tokyo where the the manga takes place.
“Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo,” which is commonly shortened to “KochiKame,” began its serialization in 1976 and had continued non-stop until its last installment in September 2016, at which point it was certified by Guinness World Records as having the greatest number of volumes for a single manga series. But it was overtaken this year by another manga, “Golgo 13,” which is rumored to be the reason for its return.
The posters, which were created by graphic designer Kentaro Sagara, have been placed in train stations around Tokyo including Kameari Station, where the fictional police box exists. The posters are accompanied by large lettering that reads tadaima, or “I’m back!”
Tokyoites will enjoy trekking around Tokyo spotting these locations!