kotori shoehorn

This shoe-horn is absolutely stunning. But it would never work in my house. My son would wack it down in an instant!
The Kotori (small bird) Shoehorn was designed by Kaichiro Yamada and was recently commercialized by h-concept.

You can purchase it here for about $50!


  1. functional art. love.

  2. functional art. love.

  3. I saw this last summer at the interiors fair just outside Tokyo, I love the milky wood texture. It’s very different but in terms of wood design I also love this Swedish guy Staffan Holm’s milk stool, is on archive on my blog otherwise http://www.staffanholm.se

  4. I saw this last summer at the interiors fair just outside Tokyo, I love the milky wood texture. It’s very different but in terms of wood design I also love this Swedish guy Staffan Holm’s milk stool, is on archive on my blog otherwise http://www.staffanholm.se

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