meanwhile, in the literary world…

2 new notable books are being released. First is the long-awaited 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami, occasional New Yorker contributor and perhaps the most famous contemporary Japanese author in the U.S.  It was released on May 27th and no word on when the English translation will arrive. But if you are interested, sources tell me that there is some liveblogging of the reading going on as we speak.




Next is Drop by Koji Suzuki, author of horror-story Ring, which was adapted into a movie. The upcoming June 6th release is getting a lot of attention, not so much because of the magnitude of the event but because of the packaging. It’s being packaged as a roll of toilet paper and is being marketed as “Koji Suzuki’s bathroom-reading horror novel Drop.” Awesome…. and yes, I know what you’re thinking. If you don’t like it when you’re done you can wipe your ass with it. Pre-order it for about $2 HERE.

via mycom journal via crunchgear


  1. Awesome! can I still get it?

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