I’m currently on vacation in Japan so entries will be sparse, but I promise to resume normal updating as soon as I return (hopefully with a bunch of new ideas to share with you). Meanwhile, I have a follow up to a previous entry…

90cover.jpg NEW YORK CITY

Through 9/23  – Design For The Other 90%
The exhibition for sustainable design the the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.
10:00am–5:00pm | Cooper-Hewitt Museum | $12.00

Last week I posted this entry about the INDEX Awards for sustainable design. The event which I would like to write about today is the “Design for the other 90%” exhibition currently on display at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Some of the top nominations in the INDEX Awards are also in this show, such as the XO Laptop. But every subject has 2 sides to the story and sustainable design is no exception. Many have voiced criticism, saying that the art is not realistic and does not take into consideration some of the dire circumstances that 3rd world nations are in. There is a well-articulated article by David Stairs here. I suggest you pay a visit to the exhibition before it ends on September 23, 2007 (or visit the website) and decide for yourself.

The exhibition, I believe, is an important one. Whether you believe sustainable design is truly for the good of humanity or just another self-righteous Eurocentric mechanism, there is no doubt that the theme of sustainable design has become valid in our society today and will most likely continue to gain authority in the world of design.
