In 1984 filmmaker and animator Hayo Miyazaki released Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, ushering in a golden age for Studio Ghibli, as well as anime. 30 years later the studio found itself in limbo when Miyazaki announced his retirement. But that hasn’t stopping them from celebrating. This week, a large-scale exhibition opens in Tokyo’s Roppongi Hills. Highlights will include tons of memorabilia, Ghibli-themed food and limited edition toys.
The Studio Ghibli Retrospective will reflect on 30 years of work. Using vintage posters, pamphlets and advertisements, the exhibition will portray a visual journey that describes the birth, production and distribution of the iconic studio’s films. The site of the exhibition will literally be a castle in the sky: the 52nd floor of Roppongi Hills, which also offers panoramic views of Tokyo.
For hardcore Ghibli fans, the gift shop will be a primary attraction. Studio Ghibli has teamed up with character sculptor Takayuki Takeya to create a limited addition model of the Hebigera, the terrifying flying insect that almost devours Naussica as she flies through the sky.
The figurine will be produced in the style of jizai okimono, a technique of creating sculptures with animated joints that dates back to the 1700s. The figurine will be available in the gift shop for 12,800 yen (about $125).
If all that Ghibli’ing made you hungry, we recommend stopping by The Sun, an artful café also located on the 52nd floor. There, the chefs have created 11 special menu items all inspired by the films of Studio Ghibli. You’ll find egg on toast and meatball soup (Laputa) as well as a pitch black burger (made from charcoal and inspired by the dust bunnies that appear in Totoro and also Spirited Away). There’s even a shaved ice cone that’s reminiscent of Totoro standing in the rain with an umbrella.
Studio Ghibli Exhibition
Roppongi Hills, Tokyo City View 52nd floor (Gmap)
Dates: July 7 – September 11, 2016
Hours: 10:00 – 22:00
General Admission: 1800 yen*
(*Apparently the cost of admission was originally set at 2,300 yen. But co-founder Toshi Suzuki fought to get the price down to 1800 yen, the same price as a movie ticket)
July 11, 2016 at 6:45 am
How lovely!