Film director and animator Kazuhiko Okushita creates unique artwork using a technique known as ippitsugaki – one of those great Japanese words that doesn’t really have an English equivalent. In essence, Okushita’s work, whether its a still drawing, an animated gif or a short film, is all made from a single, continuous stroke.
After being catapulted into fame in 2009 with his his short film “akai ito” (red yarn) the 29-year old artist went on to expand his profession both commercially and artistically. In 2011 he created the opening sequence for a daily news program, further solidifying his unique style. And here’s a time-lapse of an large mural he created for an installation earlier this year. Lately he’s been using twitter as a form of self-expression, posting short gifs and stills to his timeline.
Below are a series of stills that Okushita has been creating recently as part of his own artistic practice. Most recently, Okushita was part of the “Hokusai Manga Inspired Exhibition” at Tokyo Designers Week.
this post is part of a series of posts on the 2014 Tokyo Designers Week. You can find them all archived here.
November 4, 2014 at 11:23 am
dear editor,
FYI, it is not pronounced as ippitsugaki, but hito-fude-gaki.
okushita’s staff