“Thinking of You Through Diseases” 2010 Pill, capsule, text
(hives, eczema)
Misplace your meds? They may have ended up in the hands of Japanese artist Ai Okubo who – for her first solo show in 4 years – is presenting a series of sculptures created from medication and its respective packaging she found lost or discarded. Whether it’s old receipts, business cards or meds, the Tama Art University graduate has always been obsessed with reconstructing histories based on found objects.
For this show, which just opened at Galerie Tokyo Humanité, Okubo was inspired by the way we conceal our different ailments and conditions yet are forced to carry them with us as we engage and interact with modern day society. Finding pleasure in the random clues that we consciously or unconsciously leave behind, Okubo literally reconstructs our diseases based on the various treatments and conditions associated with the medication she finds.
“Thinking of You Through Diseases” 2010 Pill, capsule, text
(rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain)
“Thinking of You Through Diseases” 2011 stuffed bear, pill, capsule, text
(epilepsy, manic psychosis)
Thinking of You Through Diseases” 2011 Jeans, Pill, capsule, text
(difficulty urinating due to enlarged prostate, increased urinary frequency)
source: Galerie Tokyo Humanité
Ai Okubo | Thinking of You Through Diseases
Galerie Tokyo Humanité (Gmap)
2011.7.25 – 8.6
10:30-19:00 (Closed Sun. Closes at 18:30 on last day)