The Tolerance traveling poster show is a socially driven initiative that asks prominent designers from around the world to create artworks with the word Tolerance in their language. The exhibition, which leverages art & design to spread its powerful message of respect for individuality, has made its way to Japan, the 46th host country.
Rafal Olbinski (USA)
Curated by Aya Komboo and Matthew Waldman, the exhibition seeks to raise awareness for all forms of diversity, from gender to LGBTQ, while also acknowledging Japan’s inaction and lack of awareness when it comes to equality. Japan consistently ranks low when it comes to inclusivity and diversity, especially compared to other developed nations.
The Tolerance Project, founded by Mirko Ilic, is strategically held in public spaces and is free of charge, ensuring that they are easily accessible to all. Japan’s exhibition, which debuted in conjunction with Roppongi Art Night on May 27, is held at Common, a cafe & bar in Roppongi. It’s on view through June 30, 2023. For those who can’t make it, you can also view the posters online, learn more about the movement, and donate to the cause.
Leo Lin (Taiwan)
Saki Mafundikwa (Zimbabwe)
Hajime Tsushima (Japan)
San Jin (China)
Grafprom Studio (Ukraine)
June 23, 2023 at 1:15 pm
What about the Onnagata of the Kabuki theatre ? They were/are highly thought of .
June 29, 2023 at 9:41 am
Yes, true. Historically, show business has been an exception that continues to this day.