A Prototype to Turn Dads Into Jungle Gyms

wearable jungle gym by Atsushi Shiraishi

forget wearable tech: Atsushi Shiraishi has developed a wearable jungle gym

There’s something to said for roughhousing with your kids. Tossing them around, doing flips, throws and all sorts of physical, interactive play is good for them. Physical fitness is an obvious benefit but it’s also an integral part of developing intelligence and social skills. In their book, The Art of Roughhousing, the authors argue that one gift of roughhousing is its emphasis on loving physical contact. It helps boys learn that there is more to physical contact than sex and violence, while it teaches girls a sense of inner strength and physical confidence.

In a radical redesign of children’s play equipment, Atsushi Shiraishi, a graduating senior at Tama Art University, has created a wearable jungle gym.

wearable jungle gym by Atsushi Shiraishi

As electronic devices, apps and video games continue to infiltrate out homes, there become fewer opportunities for physical contact Dad and kid. And with the next frontier, wearable tech, now on the horizon, Shiraishi’s wearable jungle gym is, in essence, revolutionary.

Shiraishi developed the project as part of his graduating thesis this year.

wearable jungle gym by Atsushi Shiraishi

The AthleTitti is a portmanteau of the words athletic and chichi (or titti), which is Japanese for father. Admittedly, it looks a little odd, but then again Google Glass never scored any points for style. So go ahead, let your kids climb on you and hang on you. It will make them smart, emotionally intelligent, lovable and physically fit. In other words, it will make them awesome.

wearable jungle gym by Atsushi Shiraishi


  1. Fun…

    However, my daughter kinda does the same without any special equipment. 🙂

  2. David, my thoughts exactly.
    My 6 years old daughter still loves to use me as a human bridge to get anywhere in a room… including passing the time on public transportation.

    I am sad, just thinking of the day she stops ;D

  3. don’t worry Marz, my 9 year old still thinks I’m a jungle gym and shows no sign of stopping or any need for an athetitti

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