Japanese illustrator and designer Akihiro Mizuuchi decided to do something special for Valentine’s Day this year. He created his own chocolate LEGO bricks and then built chocolate LEGO teddy bears with them. Now that’s love!
However, making the chocolate LEGO bears was easier for Mizuuchi than most. He’ a member of the Gunchoco Club, a group dedicated to creating chocolate Dundam figurines. He created two types of silicone molds and poured in melted chocolate. He then put them in the freezer until they hardened. Afterwards he assembled the bears based on computer simulation.
And as it turns out, measuring the chocolate was easier than expected. Mizuuchi explains:
I discovered that 1 lego dot was equivalent to about 1 gram of chocolate so the calculations were really easy. The mold on the left is 55 dots, or about 55 grams. The mold on the right is 80 dots, or about 80 grams. So if you weigh the chocolate before melting it you’re left with hardly any residue.
(all quotes translated from Japanese to English by the author)
August 19, 2014 at 1:53 am
Can these be bought anywhere?
Thanks for your help, Alana
August 19, 2014 at 7:26 am
Alana, you could try reaching out to the designer but I would guess it was a personal project and is not commercially available.