“RPM 1200” | click images to enlarge | courtesy Hyogo Museum of Art

Chu Enoki
is an eccentric Japanese artist who has been practicing since the mid-1960s. He is known for going to Hungary with a “hangari” haircut, walking the streets of Ginza shirtless, with the Expo ’70 logo sunburned onto his bare chest, erecting a pop-up bar and serving drinks to customers while dressed as a transvestite,  as well as large-scale sculptures such as Space Lobster P-81, which was built from over 20 tons of scrap metal salvaged from trains and boats that he disassembled with his own bare hands.

Well now all his humorous oddities – both big and small – have been assembled in a single space in the largest retrospective of his work to date. “Unleashing the Museum,” which opened earlier this month at the Hyogo Museum of Art (details below), is a comprehensive look at the enigmatic artist who poked fun at himself while ridiculing all that modern Japan had become.

“RPM-1200” (detail) | courtesy Hyogo Museum of Art

One of the main attractions of the show is RPM-1200 (above), a utopian – or perhaps dystopian –  futuristic city sculpted from old drill bits and machine parts.

“cartridge” made from thousands of actual bullet shells

unless otherwise noted, all images courtesy Tabitoba

source: HitsPaper | Hyogo Museum of Art | Tabitoba


Chu Enoki | Unleashing the Museum
Hyogo Museum of Art
2011.10.12 – 11.27
10:00 – 18:00
general admission 1200 yen