SO! Everyone is talking about Tokyo Design Week. Yes, it is very exciting, but I don’t want to over do it. I gave you a sneak preview of one of the shows yesterday. Today I’ll touch on one more topic and then that’s it! Enough. Once I’m able to digest everything I’ll do a post on what I thought was the “best of.”

Design & Environment is a show taking place at the Marunouchi House. It will be comprised of 4 shows, each looking at design and the environment in a different way. Eco-friendly design has been discussed very, very widely this year but it’s a topic very close to my heart. And looking at each show, there was just no way I couldn’t highlight it.

Nosigner will be showing “Rebirth,” a series of works created out of eggshells.

Wasara will be showcasing their beautiful line of disposable kitchenware.

Treasured Trash, a design initiative comprised of over 20 domestic and international designers who create eco-conscious products, will be showcasing their work. The installation will be titled, “see you again.”

They’ve recently launched “Think the Earth,” a website where they sell their designs! Like this super stylish recycle center to assist you in sorting and carrying your trash to appropriate destinations. And ceramic cups made out of used ceramics!

The 2-man design team known as EDING:POST will be displaying “popet,”garbage bags in the shape of household pets. The message? Think before you dispose. Don’t overfeed your pets!!
