we’re be bringing you some of our favorite picks from DesignTide Tokyo, which ran from October 29 – November 3, 2011. Click here for all our stories on the exhibition.

Daisuke Motogi presented a series of convertible furniture titled “Flip.” Produced by Sixinch, a furniture design company specializing in foamcoated furniture, Flip is a versatile chair that changes form and function when flipped. It’s made from urethane so that it can be light enough for even a child to flip over. Check out the 3 different series Motogi designed and then watch a short demo video below.

In our previous coverage of the designer’s debut, I came away with the impression that the designer creates extremely un-Japanese work in his concept, usage of materials and how they come together in shape and form. This impression remains the same, if not reinforced. It’s very refreshing and nice to see someone creating work like this out of Japan.

Flip series #1

photos by Patrick Hauri | click to enlarge

Flip series #2

Flip series #3

source: Daisuke Motogi’s twitter stream