Introducing the Spoon & Tamago Shop

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It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and finally it’s happening: we now have our own shop! The concept has always made a lot of sense but the stars have just never aligned. But now we’re ready to make the official announcement, which I wanted to do last week but we ran into a few bumps. (if you tried to access the site during the last 48 hours you probably saw this…..sorry!)

We’re starting out with a small selection of hand-picked goods that we love and have tried. And if you’re a reader of the blog you’ll most certainly recognize many of them (but there are also a few new goodies). We’ll continue to slowly add to our selection and you can follow along on our designated twitter account, or through our newsletter.

Oh, and of course if you have any suggestions for the shop, be it UI or product-related, drop us a line. All we ask is that you keep it polite. (we don’t really know what we’re doing)


  1. Very exciting news, congrats!! Any chance the Komorebigasa might be offered in the shop in the future..? 🙂

  2. Thankyou so much for creating this shop! I really love this blog and all the art, objects and ideas that are showcased and I’m really happy to have the chance to purchase some of them 🙂 In particular the ‘floating ripple vase’ which I have been pining after ever since you posted it 🙂 So thankyou and I look forward to the new items you will post 🙂

  3. Ohh, congratulation!
    I’ve been your silent reader for awhile now. I love your posts on those products.

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