What season is it right now? Summer? Well, according to Japan’s ancient calendar it’s actually “Great Rains Sometimes Fall” (or 大雨時行; taiu tokidoki furu), the time of year when heat gives way to torrential downpours and evening showers.

The 72 Seasons Newsletter is a new service from Spoon & Tamago, available to all Monthly Tamago ($5/month), Annual Tamago ($50/month) and Lifetime Tamago ($500/lifetime) members. Japan’s ancient calendar is based on the path of the sun as seen from the earth, and is broken into 72 seasons that beautifully depict the delicate changes in nature that occur around us.

Roughly every 5 days, all members will receive in their inbox the upcoming season, alongside a piece of Japanese artwork, as well as seasonal activities, food or recipes that will help you appreciate the world around you, wherever you are. Think of it as a quick Japanese class, art class and a cooking class all in one! Unsure about the membership program and all that comes with it? You can read more about it on the official membership page!

Here is a sample of what the 72 Seasons Newsletter looks like: