The designer duo Ryosuke Fukusada (Japanese) and Rui Pereira (Portuguese), who wowed the design world last year with their subversive yet adorable edible furniture cakes, have turned their attention from the kitchen to the bathroom. Merging Japanese and Portuguese tradition, they’ve created “bug collection,” a series of bathroom accessories that attempt to create stronger connections between the washroom and the rest of the house.
Playing off of the fact that Portugal is one of the world’s largest cork producers, the designers incorporated this product of the cork oak tree not only for symbolism but also for its impermeability and hypoallergenic qualities. I really appreciate the attention to detail in modeling the cork trays after Japanese geta footwear.
Bug Collection will debut at ventura lambrate during salone del mobile.
This post is part of our review of the 2013 Milano Salone del Mobile. All posts are cataloged right here.