Etsuko Ichikawa is a Tokyo-born, Seattle-based artist who creates mesmerizing abstract prints through the art of pyrography. Specifically, Ichikawa removes fiery, molten glass from a kiln as it glows at 2100° F, and then manipulates it over thick paper, leaving scorch marks and burns. The process is something akin to photography, in which light is recorded on film, capturing and eternalizing the immediacy of a moment.
Watch the gorgeous video above, directed by Alistair Banks Griffin and recently filmed for the Anthropologist, a online space launched by Anthropologie back in 2009. Much in the same way that Kate Spade has their inspiration board, the Anthropologist is a website that highlights different artists and creatives that inspire the eclectic brand’s selection of clothing, accessories, books, and housewares. I would encourage you to check out some of their other segments as well such as photographer David Eustace and forester Håkan Strotz.
Source: Notcot | the Anthropologist |