There can be any number of explanations for the Japanese passion for reinventing the umbrella. We’ve seen many iterations of the redesigned, reimagined device from the smart umbrella with anti-slip coatings, the inverted UnBRELLA and even an umbrella that looks like a head of lettuce. But the latest comes from Oki Sato of Nendo, who has focused his energy not on the canopy or the ribs but the handle.
The stay-brella is “an umbrella whose handle makes it not only stable when in use, but able to stand on its own when turned on its handle,” says Sato. And the handle’s unique shape also allows it to “hang securely from tables and stay propped up on a wall when not in use.”
There’s a part of me that feels like we’re never going to be happy with our umbrellas, ever. It’s a product that’s intended to make shitty days, less shitty. And unless we learn to enjoy rainy days no one is going to be completely satisfied with their umbrella. But it’s small tinkerings like this that will help get us through the rain.
If all else fails and you’re still not happy with your stay-brella, at least take consolation in the fact that it can stand up and look like the Japanese yokai, kasakasakozo.