all images courtesy Studio Ghibli
In the classic animated film My Neighbor Totoro, the Kusakabe family relocates to a home in the countryside to be closer to their mother, who is hospitalized nearby. Although old and crumbling, the family home is full of Showa-era charm and the two girls, Mei and Satsuki, waste no time exploring it and getting to know all its secrets and inhabitants.
A replica of this magical home does exist. It was built in 2005 in Aichi prefecture’s Moricoro Park and was part of Expo 2005. The home had been closed for over 1 year as construction on the surrounding Ghibli Park, set to open in 2023, kept visitors out.
But the home recently re-opened and Studio Ghibli has been sharing photos of it on their twitter account. As you’ll see, there was no detail too small to get overlook and it’s giving us all the feels. Which shot does it for you? For us it’s the partially-rotting beam supported by three red bricks.
If you plan on visiting, note that timed tickets must be purchased in advance.
October 9, 2021 at 12:15 pm
So pretty and charming! Would love to live there. Thank you so much for sharing the photos. I have not heard of My Neighbor Totoro until now, but shall have fun looking it up!