Klein Dytham Architecture unveils new YouTube production space in Tokyo

YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (4)

Earlier this year Google announced that YouTube Space Tokyo, the company’s third global production facility, would open following its 1st location in London and 2nd in LA last year. Located in Roppongi Hills, the free collaborative production space was designed by Tokyo-based Klein Dytham Architecture (KDa).

Following a similar (and highly successful) approach to T-Site, in which they used tessellated Ts to adorn the walls, KDa incorporated the red TV-screen-like logo into their designs. Red lacquered ceramic tiles line the walls of the reception, which fades to lighter hues in other spaces to create consistency. Clear branding was an obvious consideration as the logo even takes the form of wooden shelving in the kitchen.

YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (6)

YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (1)

The production studio, which includes 3 studios, equipment, a training/screening room, a café, and post-production resources, began accepting applicants in April.

We built the YouTube Space Tokyo as a way to support the incredible wave of Japanese creativity we have seen develop among our YouTube Partners over the last few years. The Space is an investment in these creators to support their quest to make even better videos and build even bigger global audiences.

-Google VP Tom Pickett, in a statement.

This is a big step for google, whose headquarters are also in the Mori Tower. Last year the company brought on 13 new media partners – amongst them heavyweights like Fuji TV and TBS.

YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (2)

YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (3)

YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (5)

What’s impressive is that KDa managed to fit fully equipped production studios into regular office spaces.

In the past, production studios required high ceilings to prevent the hot lighting rigs literally cooking performers. Modern LED lights, however, are cool and can be used in the space offered by high-rise office floors.

– KDa, in their press release

YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (7)YouTube Space Tokyo - KDa (8)



1 Comment

  1. Personally , I would not like to work in that space at all.
    Best think about it is leaving.

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