Kokeshi Matches by Kumi Hirasaka

kokeshi matches (1)

kokeshi matches (4)kokeshi matches (3)

Since 1994, after noticing a resemblance between matches and Kokeshi dolls, Osaka-based artist Kumi Hirasaka has been handrawing small faces on matches. But it wasn’t until around 2000 when she realized the commercial potential of her hobby and ditched the brush for a rubber stamp, which was soon replaced by a printing press.

But even though the hand-made quality is gone, Hirasaka’s matches still retain a cuteness that almost keeps you from wanting to light up. In fact, if we replaced out entire supply of fire-igniting devices with these matches, don’t you think we’d see a significant decline in arson?

kokeshi matches (10)

kokeshi matches (2)

In 2011 Hirasaka even staged in exhibition in which she created almost 50 different match and match box sets referencing various artistic, cinematic and literary works.

kokeshi matches (7)

kokeshi matches (5) kokeshi matches (6)

kokeshi matches (8)

kokeshi matches (9)

kokeshi matches (11)

Source: NOTCOT | thatshouldbemine

1 Comment

  1. fenny setyowati santoso

    May 6, 2013 at 5:55 pm

    very unique and creative! Go,Hirasaka-San..! xD ..Oh, i want to collect all of them.. ( ´д`)

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