ai teramoto

The eyes are the windows to the soul, according to the old English proverb. For Ai Teramoto, a young artist based in Tokyo, they are also the source of human creativity and imagination. Up until 2 years ago Teramoto was a student at Musashino Art University majoring in fashion. But after graduating she began exhibiting a series of black and white drawings that combine her intrigue for human eyes with her background in fashion.

ai teramoto

The distinctive costumes that her characters adorn seem to slip in and out of athletic gear and customary garb. They are, indeed, all original creations that Teramoto dreamt up after years of flipping through fashion magazines and scanning the different designs with her eyes: her “light source” of creativity.

Ai Teramoto’s illustrated portraits are currently on display at the brand new Fm Gallery in Ebisu, Tokyo. It’s an interesting space in its own right that’s located on the 3rd floor of a vine-covered building.

Fm gallery in Ebisu Tokyo

the building in Ebisu that houses Fm Gallery | image courtesy Fm Gallery

ai teramoto


ai teramoto

ai teramoto

ai teramoto