Conceptual Japanese fashion designer Kunihiko Morinaga, who is better known as ANREALAGE – a combination of the words “real, unreal and age” – debuted his 2011-12 Autumn/Winter collection in Tokyo during April, roughly 1 month after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Last year, which marked his first showing in 3 years, he chose to rethink the entire form of the human body. This year Morinaga transitioned from the world of 3D to 2D and titled his collection “LOW,” a reference to the low-resolution 8-bit imagery that is so effective at deconstructing form.

In fact, the designer writes that prior to the earthquake he was interested in how low resolution destroys all shape and form. However, post-earthquake, this concept took a 180 degree turn as the designer became more aware of how both shape and pattern, even when deconstructed, strive to maintain their original form. The farther it’s removed the greater the original form is evoked.


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As usual, I love Morinaga’s attention to detail. The pixilated faces totally make the show. I also can’t get enough of those shoes!

source: | designboom | anrealage