Shinji Tsuchimochi is a Tokyo-based illustrator who creates unique views of Tokyo and Japan, inspired by ukiyo-e but produced with a modern sense of whimsy and surrealism.
His art book UKIYO is a compilation of old and new work, and includes his masterpiece 100 Views of Tokyo, an ambitious 3-year project created in the vein of ukiyo-e master Utagawa Hiroshige. The 144-page full color book is in English and Japanese, and also includes 10 Views of Osaka, 100 Deep Views of Japan, Views of West Tokyo, Reiwa era Shin-Hanga, and much more.
This is the artist’s first compilation, and is his first book since 2016 when he released his 100 Views of Tokyo. It’s available in the Spoon & Tamago shop for $52, which includes the price of shipping from Japan. Order now and you’ll also receive a poster featuring Tsuchimochi’s latest print “Nihonbashi at dusk” (while supplies last).