This post is part of our review of the 1000 or so products that were awarded a good design award. You can read all the posts HERE or if you want to learn more about the awards you can read our preface HERE.

Metaphys House

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Along with an award for their eraser, Metaphys also placed in a category they’ve never ventured into: residential housing. And I couldn’t be more excited. Much in the same way that MUJI applied their gorgeous minimal aesthetic to architecture creating the MUJI House (which also won a Good Design Award in 2008), Metaphys has attempted the same with their Metaphys House. And of course it was designed by their CEO and head designer Chiaki Murata. Yikes! Total house envy!

Metaphys has dubbed their house the “learning house” in that it reflects many years of social observation, identifying what works and what doesn’t. They’ve essentially concentrated everything that works into this one house. A small yet telling example of this is the sink. They observed how well the foot pedal works in park fountains, both for operating and conserving water, and decided to implement it in the home.