all photos by Shigeo Takahashi / Sankei Photo

I have a Sapporo. I have a Snow. *ungh* Sapporo Snow Festival. Indeed, the annual Sapporo Snow Festival kicked off today and features topical snow sculptures like Piko Taro, whose viral success in late 2016 made him one of Japan’s most well-known celebrities, and new U.S. President Donald Trump, who took office on January 20.

a view of all the sculptures installed in Sapporo’s Oodori Park

The Snow Festival, which is being held in Sapporo’s Oodori Park through February 12, 2017, features 116 different snow sculptures of all different sizes. One of the highlights is a recreation of Nara’s Kofukuji Temple whose restoration, which began in 2014, is set to be completed next year. The 13 meter-high, 22 meter-wide sculpture was erected over a 1-month period by 3800 members of Japan’s self-defense forces, which goes to show what a peaceful nation Japan is.

What makes the snow sculpture extra special is a projection mapping installation that shows illustrates the history of the temple from its origins in the early 800s to when it was restored after a fire burnt it down.

Other highlights include snow sculptures of Paris’ Arc de Triomphe, Taiwan’s Taipei Guest House, a scene from Star Wars and a scene from Final Fantasy.

Donal Trump (PPAP version) snow sculpture

Final Fantasy snow sculpture

Pokemon snow sculpture