Japanese Sound Effect Rings

Looking to get your sound effect on? Well look no further than these awesome sound effect rings created by designer duo RGB (Shuji Tomishima and Takushi Okina). Who would have thought that sound effects, when expressed through katakana characters, would look so appealing on your fingers?

Prices range from smaller characters (ッ) going for 7,612 yen to larger characters (ド・ゴ・ハ・ガ) for 23,100 yen. They’re available through Mitsubai Tokyo.

Katakana sound effects have long been a vital part of manga, with authors often using them lavishly throughout sequences to help heighten the visual mood of the story. It’s actually a really interesting topic of thought: designing typography based on the sound effect that each character has. It’s an idea that surfaced before in our interview with Hideo Satoh, who designs subtitles for foreign movies to be shown in Japan.

Here are a few examples of katakana sound effects being used in manga. Many more over on this thread.


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