Prototype 1000 | prototypes of products we all wish existed

prototype 1000 (1)

A Honnoji Temple stove

Prototype 1000 is a site created by web designer Nezi Sato that functions as a database for all his crazy dream-like prototypes of products he wished existed. Some products seem like generally good ideas, while others are just outrageous or silly. But that’s perhaps what makes the site so interesting. Here a few of my favorites, which I genuinely wish existed.

prototype 1000 (3)

traffic cones shaped like spilled ice cream cones

Sato certainly has a vivid, playful imagination. His past projects include an app the gets kids interested in math by substituting boring exercises like counting crayons, with counting poop. He also created an Avian Flu twitter bot that randomly infects follows users and then unfollows them in about 5 days.

prototype 1000 (2)

a decotora USB drive

prototype 1000 (4)

a princess umbrella (my daughter would die if she saw this)

prototype 1000 (5)

a waterfall print towel

source: twitter


  1. Is there any way I can view his website in English?

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