Three years ago the illustrator Shinji Tsuchimochi (previously) embarked on an ambitious project. Following in the footsteps of ukiyo-e artist Hiroshige who, 160 years ago, created One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, Tsuchimochi began illustrating 100 views of Tokyo. Today, he completed his 100th view, effectively bringing closure to his project.
Looking back on the project, each is a unique work of art, inspired by ukiyo-e but produced with a modern sense of whimsy and, sometimes, surrealism. It’s a Tokyo that the edo painters never knew, but one that, for all its pros and cons, is worth commemorating and serializing.
Tsuchimochi has said that once the project is completed he wants to create a book with all the views, which we agree is a great idea! You can see all 100 views on Behance or Facebook. Congrats again to Tsuchimochi for completing his arduous journey!
[UPDATE] The book is now available!
June 28, 2016 at 4:05 am
Congratulations for your blog! We will follow you on social networks! Greetings from Barcelona.
July 7, 2016 at 8:43 am
Oh, I hope you will publish these magnificent views in book form!
Atlanta, Ga.
July 10, 2016 at 5:41 pm
Love every single one of the Shinji Tsuchimochi 100 Views of Tokyo illustrations. Amazing. I will need to purchase some. Is he selling reproductions?