Dad spends 7 years on incredibly detailed maze

BAjvOvjCEAElMvX unless otherwise noted, all images courtesy @Kya7y | click to enlarge

Some people have hobbies. Other people are obsessive. But when the two cross paths, this is what you get. Japanese twitter user @Kya7y recently unearthed an incredibly detailed maze that her father created almost 30 years ago. When pressed for details, the father explained that he spent 7 years creating the map on A1 size paper, which is about 33 x 23 inches.

Unsure what to do with the discovery, @Kya7y reached out on twitter but was quickly inundated with requests to receive copies. I wonder how long it would take to finish the maze?

[Update] People have been asking @Kya7y about her father. Everyone seems to want to know more about the man behind this amazing maze. This morning she wrote, “Where does my father work? At a public university!! In the athletic department!!! As a janitor.”

[Update 2] The maze is currently available in our shop ($43). We also began carrying version 2.0 ($35).


720286312photo by @Phantom_ss


source: matome | @Kya74


  1. Wow, that’s wonderful. I’d love to get a copy of that.

  2. Awesome story, may I have a print?

  3. Simply beautiful, so much work and time, a hermits Job! I hope it didn’t impose upon familily-life.
    I also would like a copy, to respect the amout of effort, and something to look up to, an unataineble standard of focus!

    My Mail:

    Kind regards,


  4. I need a copy of this. Please email me when and if this becomes available.

  5. I would like a print of it, thank you very much. I hope you will manage out something.

  6. I’d love to buy a print.

  7. Hi, I would like to buy a print when/if it becomes available.

  8. Fantastic, I would love a copy!!!

  9. I’d be interested in a copy.

  10. I would certainly purchase a copy once prints become available. And may I add that this fantastic work should be immediately referred to your nearest reputable Outsider Art Gallery or Auction.

  11. I would love to buy a print of this.

    Please add me to the mailing list if such a thing exists.



  12. i would LOVE a copy of this- if you ever print it, i NEED TO KNOW!

  13. i would LOVE a copy of this- if you ever print it, i NEED TO KNOW!

  14. If you are making copies then please count me in!!

  15. Print: Yes please!

  16. I’m also interested in getting a print of this if they become available!

  17. I’d like a copy.

  18. I’d love a copy please. What a fantastically meditative drawing.

  19. I’d like at least two!

  20. I want one, maybe even more than one.

  21. This is pure amazing. I’d love a copy as well.
    teawench at gmail dot com

  22. I would like to buy a copy!

  23. Wow. Beautiful. I’d love a copy too if they become available!

  24. I’d also love a copy

  25. I’d love to buy a print!

  26. wow, this is amazing! I can stare for days on a thing like this!
    I would love a copy and I would be very thankful if you could manage to make this happen! Thank you for your efforts!

  27. Count me in for a copy

  28. I’d love a print of this. It’s truly beautiful. Beautiful chaos!

  29. I’m interested in a copy too!

  30. I’d love a print if possible!

  31. It’s a masterpiece. I would really like to frame it and hang it on my wall. I would love to purchase a copy.

  32. I’d love a copy

  33. Amazing work. I ‘d be interested in purchasing one.

  34. Would purchase at least 1

  35. I would love to order a copy!

  36. Great work. Want a copy if it becomes available.

  37. I’d be interested in purchase information.

  38. I used to draw stuff like this, only perhaps two orders of magnitude less amazing (and two is a lot). I mention it only to add weight to how much I am impressed by this achievement.

  39. I would be very interested in buying a print of this..

    kasperjansen at

  40. Would love a copy

  41. I’d like a copy / print!

  42. I would also be interested in both a print & hi resolution image! 🙂

  43. I would also be interested in both a print & hi resolution image! 🙂


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